Posted: October 19th, 2016

write a 550 word critical evaluation of an aspect of the study by Hill and Laufer (2003)

I need to write a 550 word critical evaluation of an aspect of the study by Hill and Laufer (2003). Please do not attempt to address all aspects of the study, but focus for example on the methodology: is it appropriate for the research questions? Is the reliability/validity of the tests being discussed? Could other methods have been used, etc. Begin the essay with a few sentences explaining why this essay/topic is important and which aspects of the essay you will be focusing on. Then present your critical evaluation. We need to finish with a few sentences in which you draw a final conclusion and explain the limitations of your approach. It is a good idea to refer to Porte, G.K (2010). Appraising research in second language learning (available from the library in electronic form) as well as Cohen, L.,Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2011).

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