Posted: April 10th, 2016

Why are samples used for hypothesis tests in specific explanations?

Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

a. Intrinsic by Gender
b. State the null and an alternate hypothesis statement for the test
c. Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process the data and run the appropriate test
d. Identify the significance level (alpha), the test statistic, and the critical value.
e. State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement,
using how the test statistic compares to the critical value or in terms of how the p value compares to the alpha.
f. Explain how the results could be used by the manager of a company, and how valuable it is.

Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

a. Extrinsic variable by Position Type
b. State the null and an alternate hypothesis statement for the test
c. Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process the data and run the appropriate test
d. Identify the significance level (alpha), the test statistic, and the critical value.
e. State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement, using how the test statistic compares to the critical value or in terms of how the p value compares to the alpha..
f. Explain how the results could be used by the manager of a company, and how valuable it is.
g. Explain the differences between a t-test and a z-test
h. Explain the differences between a sample and the population
i. Why are samples used for hypothesis tests in specific explanations.
j. Any conclusion?

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