Posted: February 12th, 2016

s 1581 Anno Domini. At the Undergraduate School of UMUC, besides Assistant Academic Director of Mathematics and Statistics, I am also the Undergraduate School-appointed CPA, Coffee Pot Attendant.

It is 1581 Anno Domini.  At the Undergraduate School of UMUC, besides Assistant Academic Director of Mathematics and Statistics, I am also the Undergraduate School-appointed CPA, Coffee Pot Attendant.


I have taken this job very seriously, because I believe that I am the key to increased productivity at the Undergraduate School.  Why, by mid-morning, many of my colleagues act as if they were

It is imperative that I restore productivity via a secret naturally-occurring molecule, caffeine……..

In order to see if my secret molecule works, I have observed the time, in hours, a random selection of ten of my colleagues

who could stay awake at the extremely long-winded Dean’s meeting as soon as it started.  Oh, yes, one fell asleep even before the meeting started!


1.9 0.8 1.1 0.1 -0.1
4.4 5.5 1.6 4.6 3.4


Disclaimer: I was not in the picture above.

Now, I have to complete a report to the Provost’s Office on the effectiveness of my secret molecule so that UMUC can file for a patent at the United Provinces Patent and Trademark Office as soon as possible.  Oh, yes, I am waiting for a handsome reward from the Provost…..



But I need the following information:


  • What is a 95% confidence interval for the time my colleagues can stay awake on average for all of my colleagues?


  • Was my secret molecule effective in increasing their attention span, I mean, staying awake?  And, please explain…..

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