Posted: May 31st, 2016

Research an incident involving a gasoline fire and briefly describe the incident. Discuss the best aqueous foam(s) for fighting the fire.

Research an incident involving a gasoline fire and briefly describe the incident. Discuss the best aqueous foam(s) for fighting the fire. Explain the principal mode of application of the aqueous foam agent. Was the aqueous foam effective? Why, or why not?

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and knowledge you learned within this unit. Also, this provides you with the opportu. Since you are offered the choice of which assignment to complete, you should provide a thorough discussion on the concepts and explain how it could relate to your field or career choice. To supplement your discussion, you may use journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sites you may find pertinent.

Your response should be AT LEAST 3 PAGES of content, double spaced and appropriately cited using APA style writing.
Any material that is directly quoted is required to have the necessary citation. Your paper should have a title page and reference page meeting APA format. This should be original work that demonstrates a higher level of learning. The use of material from other scholarly sources is appropriate to show that you can analyze the information and apply it to other situations by building on the knowledge of others as it applies to your exploratory assignment.

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