Posted: November 25th, 2015

Psychology statistics

Psychology statistics

1. A researcher was interested in testing the effects of different TV shows on mood
(degree of happiness, as measured by blood-level serotonin levels). Participants were
split into 4 different groups and presented with a program. The groups saw: The
Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Planet Earth, No program. After viewing the
program, the researcher took a measure of serotonin levels from each participant
(higher serotonin = happier). The data are presented below.
a. Test the hypothesis by hand that some TV shows make people happier than
others, showing all your work. Ensure that you:
i. construct an ANOVA table appropriate for your design
ii. show how you derived each cell (including the SS, MS, DFs, and of
course, the F-statistics)
iii. identify your critical Fs assuming an alpha of .05
iv. Perform the same analysis(es) in a) using SPSS. Ensure you follow up
on any significant main effects (using SPSS if necessary, not by hand)
so that you can fully interpret your data
b. Attach your outputs.
c. Report your results as for a journal results section (max 150 words).
Serotonin    Level
Game    of
House    of
11 4 4 8
7 8 3 7
8 6 2 5
13 11 1 3
11 9 2 3
10 8 8 7
6 2
2. Explain the use of the post hoc tests available in the one-way analysis of variance
a. When should they be used and what additional information do they provide?
b. Identify at least two possible test options that could be used. For each of these
options, briefly explain how the computation changes from regular ‘t
3. The table below presents data from research in which three categories of students –
those majoring in the physical sciences, those majoring in the social sciences, and
those majoring in history – were presented material using either a computerized
method or a standard lecture method. There were different people in each
combination of major and presentation method.
a. Perform the appropriate analysis in SPSS to test whether there are differences
in vocabulary scores depending on student majors, presentation method, and
any interactions. Ensure you follow up on any significant main effects and
interactions with multiple comparisons (using SPSS if necessary, not by hand)
so that you can fully interpret your data.
b. Provide a graphical depiction of your data.
c. Report your results as for a journal results section (max 150 words).
4. A study investigating the effects of ‘Gender of participant’ and ‘Gender of Instructor’
on training in an organization was undertaken. The training involved personal
hygiene topics. Four groups of different participants were involved. Group 1
consisted of Females who were taught by a Female instructor. Group 2 consisted of
Females who were taught by a Male instructor. Group 3 consisted of Males who were
taught by a Female instructor. Group 4 consisted of Males who were taught by a
Male instructor. Part of the research program involved assessing participant reaction
to the training program. A 20 item instrument measuring participant enjoyment of the
training program was given to everyone. There were 5 participants in each group.
The results are below.
a. Conduct the appropriate analysis by hand, testing the effects of participant
gender, instructor gender, and possible interactions, showing all your steps.
Ensure you:
Vocabulary    Scores
Physical    Science Social    Science History
Computer Standard Computer Standard Computer Standard
53 44 47 13 45 30
49 48 42 13 41 27
47 35 39 9 38 29
42 41 37 2 36 21
51 36 42 11 35 30
41 40 33 6 33 20
i. construct an ANOVA table appropriate for your design
ii. show how you derived each cell (including the SS, MS, DFs, and of
course, the F-statistics)
iii. identify your critical Fs assuming an alpha of .05
iv. follow up on any significant main effects and interactions (using SPSS
if necessary, not by hand) so that you can fully interpret your data
b. Report your results as for a journal results section (max 150 words).
Entries below are individual participant scores.
Female Participants
Female Instructor:12 10 14 8 16
Male Instructor: 6 8 4 10 2
Male Participants
Female Instructor: 8 10 6 2 4
Male Instructor: 8 16 14 10 12


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