Posted: September 19th, 2015

Pitching to a funding body

Essay Detail:
The (fictitious but very generous) Office of Educational Excellence within the Commonwealth Department of Education calls for proposals from teams of teacher researchers in Early Childhood Centres and primary and secondary schools focused on examining and refining teaching and learning. Grants of up to $10,000 will be made available to support site-based action research projects. As a beginning teacher who has recently completed your initial teacher education (and working in the site you focused on in Assessment Task 2) (In Task 2, I focused on two schools: Cabramatta Public School and Georges River Grammar School) (or you can choose a Early childhood center for this essay) your Principal/Centre Director has asked you to construct the ‘pitch’ for the funding. In order to be successful, you will need to make a coherent and research-informed case.

Part of the work of this assignment is making the decision about what to do. You may not recycle work from other units but you are encouraged to draw on work from other units, especially EDUF1018, EDUF1019, EDUF2006 and EDUF2007. Time will be allocated in seminars to discuss possibilities.
This is an individual assignment but we strongly encourage you to work with your peers in this unit to develop ideas and share resources.
Listed below are the questions you have to answer in your grant application. Each question must be answered under a separate heading. The whole pitch should be 2500 words but you may decide how many words you allocate to each section and whether and how you use table sand point form in parts of the application.
Note that you will need to support your application with well-chosen references to appropriate sources of research and other information. Part of the purpose of the project is to develop your
capacity to critically evaluate and synthesise research.
Proposals should nominate a particular focus for the research anywhere within the broad areas of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, and include the following: (Important)
• Background and introduction: how is the proposed project informed by prior research and linked to local school/centre priorities?(approx. 1200 words)
• Inquiry questions: what questions will guide the inquiry? (Approx. 50 words)
• Research design and methods: how will the research be conducted? What sources of evidence will be used? How will the data be analysed? How will issues of validity and trustworthiness be addresses? (Approx. 500 words)
• Ethical considerations: how will the research be conducted so as to maintain the highest ethical standards? (Approx 500 words)
• Professional learning: how will the project provide opportunities for teacher researchers to engage in professional learning? Link these opportunities to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. (Approx. 200 words)
• Dissemination of research findings: how will the findings of the research be shared and with whom? (Approx. 100 words)

Assessment criteria:
This assessment will be graded using the following criteria, listed at the end of this Unit of Study,
• Organisation & conceptualization of assessment task
• Clarity of expression (including accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation, use of language, expression of ideas)
• Critical appraisal of the literature
• Referencing
• Synthesis of theory, research and practice.

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