Posted: June 27th, 2015

Children with disabilities




Question 1

Some of the motor delays are: Delays in physical milestone like walking,rolling over, sitting upright. If a child does not walk by 18 months.if a child is not able to hold weights due to stiff limbs or underdeveloped muscle tone or is having difficulties in holding or using cups .if the child is not able to use both legs r arms for example only kicking the ball using the left leg.if a child is falling frequently If a child is having difficulties in swallowing and chewing. If a child is backsliding in motor skills such as waving hand for bye bye specially if not sick or stressed. The multicentre growth reference study group, 2006 by world health organization carried out a research among id below 18 months that are expected to show motor skills, example walking sills was expected from children between 8 and 18 months. This is a wider period within which the skill emerge children are expected to walk at a median age of twelve months. There fore if a child does has not walked in fourteen months does not obviously indicate that one is imparted though care full evaluation should be carried out by a specialist to determine any possible cause of concern. An occupational therapist should select a screening instr5ument that is consistent with the information and theories concerning mortal disability , then accurately interprete the data collected from the instrument and relay the summarized results to the referral source for descision making and intervention.

Question 2

Children are expected to communicate and socialize with people and the environment. Communication is key to socializing but a lack of social skills also impairs communication which is characteristic in autism. Factors contributing to socio-emotional disabilities in children are most of the time not clear though casual factors such as poverty and physical abuse have been one of the clear causes. These causes include:


Research shows that drug abuse in parents can cause behavioral and emotional disorder to children. Children exposed to drug through paternal intake show signs of these disorders as early as kindergarten. It is important to know the exact biological reasons and examine if the reasons contribute to the child codnitiont o help in treatment. Depressed patients are treated using anti derssants and research for more treatment is stiil done so that a wide range of medicationis made available for these conditions (Gorman 2001).

family and community

Everyone belongs to a faily , to an expanded family and to a community. These aspects play an important role in shaping ones growth and development in a positive or negative way. The elementnts of a community that contribute to behavoural and emotional; disorder are: neglect, parental stress, poverty, abuse, confusion and long term turmoil. Other miner factors that are brought about due to porvety include: harsh displinary actions,lack of interest and concern, high chances for bad influence, lack of role models. Children with high income parents have less chances of dropping out of school than those with poor parents and behavouri characters are likely to be passed on to offsprings (Gorman 2001).


A teacher who gives harsh punishments to students expose them to behavioral disorders. There is perception that African Americans are high tempered as compared to white Americans and such unfactfull perception teachers expose the black students to harsh punishments that consequently lead to behavioral disorders (Gorman 2001).

Social factors


Question 3

There are hearing tests for newborns, infants, and and older children. These involve acombiation of physical examination and medical history review. Newborns are taken through evokrd atoucoustic emissions which is done by insertion of a special flexible plug on the baby`s ear. Babies with no hearing produce no atoucoustic emmisisons. Another test is auditory braistern response that examines the baby`s response to sound that is done by tapping a special wire to the scalp when sleeping. Infants undergo behavioral audiometry screening that the babies reactuion to sound. Audiometry play is another test that requires the baby`s cooperation. Different sound are palyed to the baby using special earphones and the baby is excpected to respond in particular way.older children between four and three years can undergo pure tone audiomentry and tympanomentry that tests the functionality of the middle ear.

Vision screening

Use of allen object recornition chart. The chi9ld is instructed to locate an object by pointing while one eye is closed.

Symbol tests: These involves arrangement of same symbols from bold to smaller sizes. The child identifies the symbols from one line to up to the last. visual acuity is achieved if the child is able to point atleast three to five symbols of the last line. The snellen chart is where letters are read from 20 feet distance and acuity is read I numerator –denominator way, the numerator is the distance from the chart while the denominator is the mark of the row read.the tumblimg chart involves determination of the directin a letter is pointing. Eyelid orbit examination: involes the child abilty to open both eyes and symmetric prominence of the eyes compared.external eye examination is where a penlight is used to examin the conjunctiva, sclera, cornea and iris. both should response to the light and congenital glaucoma can be diagnosed in this process (Deiner 2013).

Question 4

The childere exposed to these factors are associated with negative developmental, behavioral outcome and educational problems. children with high quality education opportunities who gfail to respond to the opportunities are found to be at risk for developmental and educational problems though these indicators are not obvious indications that these children wiil have learning problems in the future. A-early support inn cases of delay development is necessary based on proper screening and evaluation, support shoul address every individual need. These programmes include : provision of relevant pre school programmes, provision of special education and home language enhancement. To achieve this effective instructional programmes should be developed such that the needs of each child and strengths are exploited.

Question 5

Children are expected to grow and do things on theitr own. Children should be supported with Self help skills to build their confidence in to trying new things and faster learning.there are four self help skills:self feeding- it is important ot give older kids food on theoir fingers then introduce spoons and forks. The children should be supported to handle utencils so that they are not frustrated. Independent dressing and grooming-: children should get dressed under supervision with minimal support starting with simple steps such as pulling pants on their own, and wearing socks.hygyine and toileting-: teach children to learn to knoew when they are ready to visit the toilet, encout=rage them to remove their clothes on their own whie providing support where necessary. Encourage children to help in daily schores:- when children are participating in cleaning from an early sage, theyare likely to grow in to more responsible and hygienic adults. Just like adults children need appropriate support to develop in to successful adult.

Question 6

Creating a classroom that is conducive for learning improve concentration, improves interaction therefore planning for planning is important for every student to be accommodated. These areas include; science area, library, art center, sensory tactile area, drama area, meeting area,social studies area and mathy area.

Sharing areas is where group instructions are done , these meetings done in the morning before learning begins are done here; such as reading of attendance register and calendar observation.a library is aspecial place for studies. Should have comfortable xeats that are inviting and encourage learning with books weel displayed on shelves. A science center should encourage exploration I t has equipments used for both physical, biological, and chemical sciences. Asocil studies area is more like a library with mostly charts and maps. The maths area should be conducive for concentrstion. The materials in this area include rulers, cubes and counters. A dramma area is a space where the students can express themselves through singing dancing and acting. Classroom areas should meet every learning needs and style.

Question 7

Components of behavior management are reward sytems, disciplinary actions, identification, features and functions. Identification is done by promoting standards that guide and individual or a certain group.good behavior supports class performance.function: the teachers come up with models that ensure that discipline is maintained in the classrooms. If the models goals are achieved then the exposure to stress from poorly behaved students is reduced.disciplinary actions and reward systems: it is important to reward good behavior to promote proper behavior. Students must understand that there are consequences for every kind of behavior.

Question 8

These skills include:

Enthusiasm towards learning; parents can build these skills into the kids by using surrounding learning materials to boost their kids’ curiosity toward learning new things.

Oral language skills; most of the learning ways at a kindergarten level involves is necessary to know a child’s background to understand the language suitable for a child. Parents should help their children understand their surroundings by pointing and asking them questions about things they see.

Ability to listen; listening is necessary for young children and it is obvious that one cannot learn without listening. Kindergarten teachers can encourage children to learn the skill by instructing them to repeat different sounds of different tones and pitches made to them

Ability to play with others; some children may not know how to play with others while others may know depending on their background. Teachers should encourage partnering when playing so that the students develop social skills

Desire to be independent and motor skills; teachers should encourage children to be indipendentn while learning and playing to develop the physical development and improve on their confidece (James 2006)










Deiner, P. L. (2013). Inclusive early childhood education: Development, resources, practice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Gorman, J. C. (2001). Emotional disorders & learning disabilities in the elementary classroom: Interactions and interventions. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press

James, A. (2006). Kindergarten success: Everything you need to know to help your child learn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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