Posted: September 4th, 2015

Understanding and Modeling a Business System

The Conover Insurance Company – The Human Resources Department has become top priority in improvements for the coming year. Your goal is to allow the company to expand their business with technology. The project’s objective is to significantly decrease processing time and increase the functionality in our current employee information benefits and services. In order to meet the new technology improvement addressing our current Human Resource processing, other departments, systems and/or business will be impacted, from with our company and outside of our company.
• Research how information systems are utilized in Human Resources Departments
• Seek examples of the requirements (processes and data) typically needed for a successful Insurance Company
• Define the business problem that can be solved with technology.
o Solution should require hardware, software, and a database in the solution.
o Answer: How does the business system work? Who is involved, and what do they do?
 We might find we have HR specialists, schedulers who answer the phone and make appointments, an accountant who does the billing, customers, and a manager. Business may be conducted at a central office or at the other locations.
 The business problem is the previous manual effort often results in a time lag of several days between the time the employee submits the forms and the online update. This delay caused several problems: employees were unable to quickly locate other employees, company mailings were being sent to the wrong addresses, payroll checks were unable to be delivered, paper-based company telephone books were out of date almost as soon as they were printed, and United Way and Savings Bonds contributions were less than ideal.

Statement of the Business Problem (System Request Form)
• Business Requirements: Using Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Word or Excel, your team will need to create the following diagrams for your project. (Refer to the textbook for examples.)
• Context Level Data Flow Diagram (Visio)
• Use Case List (normal business activities/work flows)
• Use Case Diagram (Visio)
• Use Case Scenarios (Description or narrative of steps in each use case)

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