Posted: June 4th, 2015

demonstrating your familiarity with the concepts, themes, issues and materials canvassed in ‘Punishment in Context’ you will be required to undertake some independent research.


This assessment takes the form of a research essay. This means that in addition to demonstrating your familiarity with the concepts, themes, issues and materials canvassed in ‘Punishment in Context’ you will be required to undertake some independent research.

In completing your essay, you are required to use:

  •  at least five of the readings that are listed as either essential and/or additional texts for 
PIC, and
  •  at least five additional sources that you have identified as relevant and useful. These 
may include scholarly books and articles, reports and discussion papers, historical documents, legislation and parliamentary proceedings. 
You may also use media reports, audio-visual materials, and material from the internet but these will not count towards meeting the above requirements. They should be used in conjunction with the above, and like all other material used, must be fully referenced. 
In your essay you should seek to: 1) meet the research requirements outlined above 2) develop a sustained and well-substantiated argument; and 3) demonstrate your familiarity with the concepts, themes, issues and materials canvassed in PIC. In completing this task, you have 2 options to select from. These are detailed at the end of this document. 
Presentation: The general requirements for the presentation of written work are contained in the Department of Social Inquiry Rules 2015 which are available on the PIC LMS site. Please familiarize yourself with these, in particular the provisions relating to referencing and to plagiarism. Prior to submitting your essay, you should ensure that it complies with basic academic standards concerning presentation and referencing, and that in particular, it does not breach the University’s policy on plagiarism. 
Marking Criteria:
  •  Reading & Research: Breadth and Comprehension
  •  Argument: Consistency, Coherence and Substantiation
  •  Expression and Grammar
  •  Academic Compliance: Referencing and Presentation
  •  Command, Creativity and Critical Engagement

Submission: Essays must be submitted electronically via the ‘Research Essay Submission’ link which will be made available on the LMS site. You will be able to submit drafts until the due date. You should aim to have a similarity reading no higher than 15% – the lower the better.

Extensions: Please note that extensions can only be granted in exceptional circumstances. The policy on penalties and extensions can be found in the Department of Social Inquiry Rules on the PIC LMS site. Any requests for extensions should be directed by email to your tutor. If you are experiencing severe and unexpected difficulties you may apply for special consideration through the following link:


Option 1

Select one question from Section A below. Then select a topic you wish to discuss in relation to that question from Section B. Make sure the question and the topic are a suitable match. Make sure that your chosen question and topic are specified on the title page of your essay.

Section A: Questions

  1. David Garland argues that despite modern appearances, ‘the body’ has never been removed from punishment. Discuss this proposition in relation to one topic selected from Section B.
  2. ‘Punishment is a matter of conflicting opinions, agendas and outcomes’. Discuss this proposition in relation to one topic selected from Section B.
  3. ‘In thinking about punishment, it is important to take ‘power’ into account.’ Discuss this proposition in relation to one topic selected from Section B.
  4. ‘In some instances it is difficult to know where punishment begins and ends’. Discuss this proposition in relation to one topic selected from Section B.




Section B: Topics


Capital Punishment


Home Detention

Risk Management

Chain Gangs

Human Rights and Punishment

Violence in prisons

Prison Protests

Punishment as a Gendered Issue

Punishment as a Raced Issue

Punishment and the Media

Prisoners Post-Release Experiences

Strip Searching in Prison

Punishment and Poverty

Prisoners and Citizenship

Imprisonment and Prisoner Rehabilitation

Public Attitudes to Punishment

The Registration of Sex Offenders


Electronic Monitoring

Chemical Castration

Corporal Punishment

Prison Privatization

Punishment and Immigration Detention

Punishment and Politics

Penal and Welfare Regimes

The Prison as a ‘total institution’

The Spectacle of Punishment

Punishment and Psychology

Deaths in Custody (Australia)

Indigenous Imprisonment in Australia

Imprisonment, Health and Wellbeing

Prison Industries and Prison Labour

Prisoner Recidivism



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