Posted: December 20th, 2015

State briefly the convention or tradition of the idea of the architectural aspect that you have examined in paper 1. Then, describe how this idea has been critiqued through a manifestation in contemporary projects.

choose at least one classicist theoretical writing (or drawing) that address ornament. white a brief on how ornament is understood and defined in this treatise or folio. (about 2-3 paragraphs with footnotes cited) and choose at least 2 examples of the classicist tradition of ornament (use images with captions and sources) 2. choose at least one modernist or post modernist theoretical writing that addresses ornament. Write a brief on how ornament is understood and defined, including how it is similar/ different than the classicist predecessor. (with footnotes cited) and choose at least 2 examples of the modern and/ or postmodern version of ornament. 3. Find and briefly discuss an allied text from these periods that discusses these elements in a secondary way – a work of fiction, a poem, an artwork, a moment in a film, an essay or book on cites, etc – describe how the poetics of the element either align or not to the core idea of the element in architecture ( about 2-4 paragraphs with 2-3 short quotes) A short abstract: State briefly the convention or tradition of the idea of the architectural aspect that you have examined in paper 1. Then, describe how this idea has been critiqued through a manifestation in contemporary projects. Then, theorize as to why this change has occurred beyond material advances and/or direct function (i.e., it can�t be that there�s just a new technology or some different human ergonomics). To theorize why this idea has changed in architecture, you will need some outside source such as political theory, economic theory, social theory, art theory, and so on from the last 25 years. Refer to that as well in this abstract. The abstract should be about 250 words, no less. A short list of references for the contemporary sensibility. At least two. One from outside of architecture. At least four architectural projects from the last 25 years that exemplify the contemporary turn SPECIFICALLY. Please provide an exact image (i.e., the window, the drawing), the source of the image, and a brief description as to how it exactly and specifically exemplifies the contemporary turn For the final, you will describe if the concept of that element you have tracked – its sense, its definition, its defining characteristics – and whether it has shifted. If it has shifted, you should make an argument for that shift – and use a contemporary theoretical or philosophical text (Harman, Sloterdijk, Latour, Bratton) – in order to explain how and maybe why it shifted in terms that are larger than architecture. If it hasn’t shifted, then you can make an argument for why some aspects of architecture remain constant, in which case I would recommend that you engage a historic architectural theory (Alberti, Perrault, Viollet le Duc), a or a theoretical reflective text (Kant, Heidegger, Benjamin). Alternatively, you can really focus in on a text by someone in architecture (Forty, Carpo, Kipnis, Lavin) in order to understand the shift/not on their terms.less

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