Posted: June 24th, 2015

How has their success become vulnerable? Why is it difficult to maintain a leadership position of a company like SIA and continuously improve?

Case Study II – Response to three student papers regarding the “Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead,” Case Study


In the case ““Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead” each student discovered that Singapore Airlines (SIA) has been ranked as the best airline in both independent and customer surveys for nearly 3 decades. It serves as a model of a continuously changing organization – continually modernizing, stretching, and serving customers in ways that stimulate strong loyalty and brand equity. It has been a leader of change in its industry, while maintaining a lot of consistency as well. Each student was to reflect on the continuous nature of change in every area of the company and respond to the following prompts as each student prepared their paper:
• What have been SIA’s main ingredients of success?
• How has their success become vulnerable? Why is it difficult to maintain a leadership position of a company like SIA and continuously improve?
• What do world class organizations need to do to improve and change continuously?
Your job is to reply to three students papers. Their papers are uploaded as JP, WS, and JS (three separate papers) regarding the Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead Case Study (second attachment). Each reply must expound on the student’s paper, providing a substantive response that enhances the discussion. Each reply must contain at least 2 citations from a peer-reviewed journal, 1 from each textbook, and one from the Holy Bible and/or Bible commentary. Major points are supported by the following: • Reading & Study materials (case study and scholarly references); • Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; • Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts). Please start with each student’s strength’s first and then and weakness (if any).

Citations must be in current APA format (including headings). • Proper spelling and grammar are used. Word count of at least 275 for each reply. There are three replies needed (one per student paper) so the total word count is 825. See attachments for the Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead Case Study, student replies (JP, WS, and JS), textbook titles. Also use at least one scripture from the Holy for each student’s paper.

Important: Label your paper with the student initials that you are responding to. For example, if you are responding to JP paper then write “this response is for JP”. In addition, each response to each student paper must have their own references. Do not combine all the references for all students at the end of the paper. Place the appropriate references under the applicable student’s response.

Use APA format and include proper headings and the following must be addressed to the highest standard.

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