Posted: September 25th, 2015

Healthcare has adopted many of the service excellence standards of Disney, Lexus, Singapore Airlines, and Ritz Carlton.

Service Excellence Institute

Order Description

8-12 pages
A case study on Service Excellence Institute.
Healthcare has adopted many of the service excellence standards of Disney, Lexus, Singapore Airlines, and Ritz Carlton. I want to present a paper on the experience of attending the institute and the ovrall results afterwards.

8-12 pages
A case study on Service Excellence Institute.
Healthcare has adopted many of the service excellence standards of Disney, Lexus, Singapore Airlines, and Ritz Carlton. I want to present a paper on the experience of attending the institute and the ovrall  results afterwards.

Service Excellence Institute- Case Study Outline

I.    Introduction- Healthcare is expected to deliver service at a level similar to that established by the hospitality industry. Healthcare employees must be trained experts in providing patients and colleagues with excellent service. The Department of Radiology and Imaging sciences launched an extensive program called Service Excellence Institute (SEI).
II.    Mission- To create a sustainable culture of service excellence in the by empowering its faculty and staff to exceed expectations.
III.    Telling the story- An overview of the department and its history.
IV.    Standards- How to use the decision making tool developed within out department.
V.    Walk-a-Mile- Walking though the patient experience.
VI.    Communication- provide the communication tools to connect, involve, and resolve.
VII.    Engaging Staff- How to get faculty and staff actively engaged.
VIII.    Empowerment- empowering everyone and understanding empowerment.
IX.    Service Recovery- Learn how to identify a situation and how to use the tools to handle recovery.
X.    My research- in progress
XI.    My assessment of the case study- in progress

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