Posted: June 16th, 2015

Discuss at three ways that the editor manipulated the temporal relationships between shots to present the plot time onscreen (flashback, flash-forward, ellipsis).

choose any film that u want)
Use your own observations, your text, information from outside sources (web-based), and info from course lectures to answer the following questions. Be sure to answer all components of each question in complete sentences. All answers should be in your own words. Do not repeat descriptions from other sources. Please cite information from any web-based sources. You may quote the textbook but please do not do so extensively. If you need more space to answer these questions you can attach an additional piece of paper to the assignment. (choose any film that u want)
1.Discuss at three ways that the editor manipulated the temporal relationships between shots to present the plot time onscreen (flashback, flash-forward, ellipsis). Be sure to provide specific examples from the film and use specific terminology from your textbook to describe the editing techniques used. 12 points
Example #1 –
Example #2 –
Example #3 –
2.Discuss two different editing techniques used within the film (match cuts, types of parallel editing, POV editing, transitions between shots). How did the editor use these techniques to convey narrative information, meaning, or emotion? 8 points
Example #1 –
Example #2 –
3.Provide specific examples from the film of 4 different functions of film sound (audience awareness, audience expectations, expressions of points of view, rhythm, characterization, continuity and emphasis). Be sure to discuss the source (diegetic or non-diegetic, onscreen or offscreen, internal or external) and type of sound (vocal, environmental, music or silence) you provide for each example and clearly explain the function that it serves within the film’s narrative. 20 points




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Function –




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Function –

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