Posted: March 9th, 2016

Pulse and Respiratory Rate as well as blood pressure, represent the common set of patient observations. These are normally reported after a patient history and examination have occurred.

Pulse and Respiratory Rate as well as blood pressure, represent the common set of patient observations. These are normally reported after a patient history and examination have occurred.

In this activity you have no information available to you other than a pulse rate, a respiratory rate and a blood pressure.

Case 1: Pulse 105, BP 90/60, Resp 22
Case 2: Pulse 45, BP 175/100, Resp 10
Case 3: Pulse 100, BP 150/120, Resp 18
Case 4: Pulse 55, BP 155/65, Resp 20

Please select one of the above cases:

In 500 words or less please;

a) identify 3 differential diagnoses that you believe to fit the observation findings supplied to your group, and;

b) pick one of these diagnoses and explain how the pathophysiological features of the condition lead to the observation findings. Ie. Explain links between pulse, blood pressure and respiratory rate change and unstable angina.

Your arguments should be supported with evidence.
Your work also need to be visible as a post to the rest of your group (not an attached file to the forum).

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