Posted: August 8th, 2016

A principal may ratify the acts of an agent but not be liable for them?

7. The warranty that an item will do what it is supposed to do concerns:
A. Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose
B. Implied warrant of merchantability
C. Express warranty
D. Limited warranty

8. A promise made by a seller and on which the buyer bases his decision to buy concerns:
A. Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose
B. Implied warrant of merchantability
C. Express warranty
D. Limited warranty

9. The standard for reaching a judgment in a civil matter is:
A. Preponderance of the evidence
B. Majority of the evidence
C. Beyond the shadow of a doubt
D. Beyond a reasonable doubt.

10. All except which of the following can be included in discovery:
A. Production Request.
B. Pleading
C. Deposition
D. Interrogatories

11. A principal may ratify the acts of an agent but not be liable for them
A. True
B. False

12. A contract which will be performed in the future is a:
A. Unilateral contract
B. Executory contract
C. Express contract
D. Quasi contract

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