Posted: March 21st, 2016

What were Pennycook and Prabhu’s contribution to the method debate? Refer to the number of lines and pages

Answer these questions after :
. Kumaradivelu (2006) challenges the concept of method as no longer relevant or helpful. The changes he distinguishes are:
(a) from communicative language teaching to taskbased language teaching,
(b) from method-based pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy,
(c) from systemic discovery to critical discourse.

As you read it, make notes on the following:
1. List the problems he has identified with the communicative approach, which he labels ‘authenticity’, ‘acceptability’, and ‘adaptability’. Which if any of these do you see as significant reasons for re-evaluating the use of this approach? Refer to the number of lines and pages
2. What were Pennycook and Prabhu’s contribution to the method debate? Refer to the number of lines and pages
3. What are Stern’s strategies and techniques? Refer to the number of lines and pages
4. What is Allright’s exploratory practice (EP)? Refer to the number of lines and pages
5. What is meant by the “critical turn” in applied linguistics? Refer to the number of lines and pages

Now think about whether or not you would agree with these arguments. Give reasons for your opinions with Refer to the number of lines and pages .

• that the profession is uncertain about the meaning of the term “task”?
• that TBLT is not linked to any one particular method
• that the concept of method “reflects a particular view of the world and is articulated in the interests of unequal power relationships” (Pennycook 1989)
Do you think Kumaravadivelu gives an adequate justification for the need for post-method pedagogy? Examine his arguments and evaluate them in the light of your reading and professional experience. Refer to the number of lines and pages
*** Summarize Kumaradivelu (2006) in 50 t0 70 words

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