Posted: March 8th, 2017

identify exceptions to the exclusionary rule state the costs and benefits of the exclusionary rule include alternative remedies to the rule state your position on the exclusionary rule and provide support for your position. Incorporate information from the CJi Interactive activity in your paper

Complete the CJi Interactive activity Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule. Write a 1,050word paper in which you do the following: analyze the rationale and purpose of the exclusionary rule identify exceptions to the exclusionary rule state the costs and benefits of the exclusionary rule include alternative remedies to the rule state your position on the exclusionary rule and provide support for your position. Incorporate information from the CJi Interactive activity in your paper. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines using in-text citations and at least 4 peer reviewed sources, on of which is the course text. Format your paper using headings as part of structuring your paper. Review the posted Rubric for additional assignment requirements and expectations.

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