Posted: July 6th, 2015

How has Human Trafficking affected Homeland Security?

1. Choose your topic for your thesis paper. – This should be written in a question format. Example: How has human trafficking affected Homeland Security?

2. Once you have your topic, choose five subtopics (your subtopics will be things that affect your topic that you would like to evaluate). Example: Harboring Countries, Funding Sources for Terrorist Activities, the Influence of Drugs, Laws & Politics, and Underground Smuggling.

i. Subtopic one: Current U.S. Policy on Human Trafficking

ii. Subtopic two: Reasons Behind Human Trafficking

iii. Subtopic three: Trafficking is Growing Worldwide

iv. Subtopic four: Tracking Victims / Crime Trends

v. Subtopic five: Combating Sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and child trafficking

3. Last, write your why, how, consequences, and theoretical perspective on the topic (this can be one-two sentences)

i. Why: Human trafficking is a grim problem that so many know so little about. Human trafficking falls directly under the Department of Homeland Security.

ii. How? The more American citizens know, the greater assets we will all be in combating human trafficking.

iii. Consequences: If we do not address human trafficking, than it will keep happening and it’ll be deemed an acceptable function in society, instead of the federal crime it is.

iv. Theoretical perspective (this will be like a rough draft thesis statement): The effect of human trafficking on homeland security can be explored through U.S. Policy, underlying reasoning, growth worldwide, tracking crime trends, combating sex trafficking, combating labor trafficking, and combating child trafficking.

HSPS 410 Final Paper Sections Points received Points possible Comments
Abstract 5 The abstract is:
 placed on the first page of the report above the introduction,
 limited to a single paragraph,
 and contains a general statement of the research topic, description of research subtopics, brief description of the study and your objectives, your hypothesis, and conclusion.
Introduction 15  Establish the importance of the topic,
 define the topic,
 identify variables/subtopics,
 describe the strategy for locating literature,
 amount of literature on topic,
 theories that are exist on the topic,
 description of your objectives of your literature review and research,
 with a brief description of the material you will cover (towards the end of your introduction).
Literature Review 80  Literature review section must be a minimum of 8 pages-no more than 12 pages.
 Collaborate findings and write body paragraphs for each variable-be sure have a running theoretical perspective on the topic that will lead into your hypothesis and research plan.
 This section should be broken down by subtopics (variables), followed by paragraphs discussing your findings. Note: Please italicize each subtopic heading.
 You should have multiple sources for each subtopic (this should be a synthesis of your information) and evaluate the findings.
 Compare and note the similarities and differences in the studies.

Hypothesis 5  Needs to be measurable: This should be a logical theory pertaining to your topic and subtopic(s).
 This is usually written in the form (If x then y). This should be a quick brief assignment and is generally just one sentence. Write your hypothesis (explanation for your topic or phenomenon surrounding your topic) for your research proposal. “A hypothesis is a tentative statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement which may include a prediction”.
Research plan 30 Research design proposal. Pretend that you are going to conduct research to test your hypothesis.
 Purpose of research: Develop and identify the type of research you plan to conduct.
o Research Question: Include what you are researching
 Prior Research:
o What is already known about this research topic/question?
 Theoretical orientation:
o Theories on the topic:
 Research Hypothesis:
o Hypothesis: [must be measurable]:
 Units of Analysis:
o What are you studying? (people, groups, objects, certain populations, ect)?
 Type of Research:
o Qualitative, Quantitative or both? {this needs to be consistent with your data collection}
 Variables:
o Define specifically the variables you plan to measure
 Dependent variable:
 Independent variable:
 Research Design:
o Design? {these are under the branches of qualitative/quantitative options)
 Data Collection:
o Technique planning to use to collect data? (surveys, questionnaires, ect)?
o Who collects the data?
o Location to collect data?
o Sampling procedures (sample size, type, specific procedures, ect)?
o Instrument sample to use to collect the data? (question examples, tables, ect)
o Analytic techniques: (technique you plan to use to examine the data)?
o Time frame of the study:
o Ethical issues of the study
o How you plan to address ethical issues:
 Informed consent sheet
o Example of informed consent sheet or a detailed paragraph of what this will include
Conclusion 10 Write your conclusion for your research proposal.
 Summarize the information obtained,
 research proposal expectations, and
 your viewpoint on your topic and variables.
Reference page 15  Have at least fifteen sources
 all sources must be referenced in your paper.
 Be sure to use credible sources, utilize the homeland security database (at, shake library, article databases), books, ect.
 -Reference page must be in APA format, alphabetized, and with hanging indention (in Word click the paragraph option & choose indention drop box-hanging).
Grammar 20 Be sure to proofread your paper, use spell check, look for grammatical errors, and read your paper to yourself out loud to catch any errors.
 None
 Minimal errors
 Moderate errors
 Major errors
 Severe errors
Citations 20  Be sure to use APA format when citing information in paper.
o If you are using a direct quote (word for word) from a source – [which should be used very minimally, only when it can’t be paraphrased] you need to use quotations and citation with author(s), year, and page number at the end of the sentence. Example: The… homeland” (Smith & Johnson, 2002:p22).
o If you are paraphrasing information from a source, you must cite the author(s) and year at the end of the sentence. Example: The… homeland (Smith & Johnson, 2002).
o Be sure to have correct name & year
Overall argument, writing style, content and organization of paper, and all 15 references used for content & cited in paper
150  Be sure to have a running theoretical argument leading up to your hypothesis,
 be sure to have your paper, paragraphs, and sentences organized and structured well.
 Be sure to also meet general page requirement for literature review and
 Be sure to use & cite in the paper at least fifteen credible sources in your final paper.
 Be sure there are no plagiarism concerns
Late? -5 points per day late
Final Total: 350 Percentage:

EMAIL – FINAL PAPER DUE- EMAIL- Proofread and revise your Final Paper. Once completed, email as an attachment to: [email protected].
Structure of the paper (will be a collaboration of assignments 2-8) with final edits, revisions, ect. Please break up your paper by titling each section (ex: abstract, introduction, ect) and subtopics. Subtopics should be italicized.
1. Title page: Include topic, name, and date
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature review- (broken up by subtopics) – this section must be at least 10 pages
5. Hypothesis
6. Research plan
7. Conclusion
8. Reference page- FULL references, in APA format, alphabetically listed, using hanging indention. (To do hanging indention, highlight your references, hit paragraph (option in word), under special select hanging). APA format:

Final Paper section requirements:
(1) Title page: Include your topic, name, and date
(2) Abstract: Write your abstract for your research proposal. The abstract is: (1) placed on the first page of the report above the introduction, (2) limited to a single paragraph, (3) and contains a general statement of the research topic, description of research subtopics, brief description of the study and your objectives, your hypothesis, and conclusion.
(3) Introduction- Write your first draft for your introduction. This should be approximately 1-4 paragraphs in length. Be sure to define your topics and subtopics and explain the importance of your topic. (Importance can be established by using statistics, describing the history of problems, ect).
In reading your sources you should:Look for significance in your topic, statistics of how many people are affected by…. (Anything that you can use to reiterate how important your topic is and why it is important to study)
In your Introduction you should include:
Establish the importance of the topic, be sure to define the topic, identify variables/subtopics, describe the strategy for locating literature, amount of literature on topic, theories that are exist on the topic, description of your objectives of your literature review and research, with a brief description of the material you will cover (towards the end of your introduction).

(4) Literature Review: (This section should be a minimum of ten pages) Collaborate findings and write body paragraphs for each variable. This should be broken down by subtopics (variables), followed by paragraphs discussing your findings. Note: Please italicize each subtopic heading. You should have multiple sources for each subtopic (this should be a synthesis of your information) and evaluate the findings.
Your literature review section should hold a theoretical argument that you are trying to prove. This theoretical argument will lead into your hypothesis and research plan. In the literature review you will find information on your subtopics and how they relate to your topic, discuss how your subtopics effect your topic, and compare and note the similarities and differences in the studies that you are using to obtain the information from. This section should be broken down by subtopics (variables), followed by paragraphs discussing your findings. Note: Please italicize each subtopic heading. You should have multiple sources for each subtopic (this should be a synthesis of your information) and evaluate the findings. Compare and note the similarities and differences in the studies. (This should be a minimum of ten pages)

(5) Write your hypothesis. This should be a logical theory pertaining to your topic and subtopic(s)-needs to be measurable. This is usually written in the form (If x then y). This should be a quick brief assignment and is generally just one sentence. Write your hypothesis (explanation for your topic or phenomenon surrounding your topic) for your research proposal. “A hypothesis is a tentative statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement which may include a prediction” ( hypothesis should be relative to your topic and variables or variable. Your hypothesis can be a prediction you are proposing or a way to change/reduce the problem.
(6) Research design proposal. Pretend that you are going to conduct research to test your hypothesis. Develop a plan to conduct your research. Include what you are researching, the variables you plan to measure, strategy you plan to use, instrumentation to collect the data, number of participants or reports you plan to use, population(s)/specific location(s) you plan to study, time frame, protections against using human subjects (if applicable), reliability of your research and any issues with validity, and how you plan to interpret the data obtained to apply to the real world.
(7) Conclusion- Write your conclusion for your research proposal. Summarize the information obtained, research proposal expectations, reiterate findings from your literature review, discuss your theoretical perspective and your viewpoint on your topic and variables.
(8) Reference Page- Have fifteen sources chosen. Be sure to use credible sources, utilize the homeland security database (at, shake library, article databases), books, ect. Reference page must be in APA format, alphabetized, and with hanging indention (in Word click the paragraph option & choose indention drop box-hanging). Learn how to do APA format:

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