Posted: September 16th, 2015

Employment relations in Australia

Collect 3 current (July to October 2015) AUSTRALIAN media articles that relate to modules covered in this course. Media articles include newspaper articles, transcripts from radio programs and articles from news websites (not academic journal articles). Critically discuss each article in turn ensuring that your selection of articles gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of each of the following areas:

• The parties to employment relations EG; (Workers, Unions, Employers, Employer associations, Government / the state, Fair Work Commission & Fair Work Ombudsman) which ever is involve

• State regulation
• Collective agreement-making processes, and
• Industrial conflict.

You do not have to address each of these areas for each specific article. However each area needs to be appropriately covered by the end of the paper. It is therefore important to select a range of articles that provide this opportunity.

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