Posted: January 4th, 2017

Either we allow euthanasia on demand or we force people to suffer against their will. Obviously, forcing people to suffer against their will is immoral, so we should allow euthanasia.

Anything that is less dense than water will float because such objects won’t sink.

What fallacy does this argument represent?a. Straw man

b. Slippery slope

c. Affirming the consequent

d. Begging the question

2. Now they make us register handguns. Pretty soon it’ll be all guns. Then we’re in a position where they can take the guns away if they want to, and we’ll be set up for a police state.Which fallacy does this argument represent?

a. False dilemma

b. Slippery slope

c. Begging the question

d. Straw man

3.Either we allow euthanasia on demand or we force people to suffer against their will. Obviously, forcing people to suffer against their will is immoral, so we should allow euthanasia.Which fallacy does this argument represent?

a. Slippery slope

b. Straw man

c. False dilemma

d. Begging the question

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