Posted: June 7th, 2016

Dosage of taxol required by a human

Taxol is used as a treatment for cancer. It can be extracted from yew tree clippings. A dose of 1 mg of taxol, when given to a rat, is an effective dose, and is cleared from the blood in 3 hours.

Q: How many daily oral doses for a human could be isolated from the clippings of one yew tree?

– List assumptions for the calculations other than the ones that are already in the powerpoint

– Check to see if the calculations are correct

– Provide a script for the explanation of the calculations from slides 4-7 and 10-14
Calculate the dose of taxol a human requires. You can begin by considering:
• a comparison between a rat and a human blood circulation (showing effectiveness of taxol in rat incomparison with human)

• number of doses required in a day? (already calculated, only check)
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