Posted: February 24th, 2017

Discuss the role of the leader in this change, including the specific style and skills that would best be needed in this instance.

One of the most challenging tasks of a leader is to transform an organization, to reengineer and restructure that organization to meet the evolving demands of both the customer and the marketplace. In your paper, choose a company that is not meeting the expectations of its stakeholders (which could include its investors, bondholders, employees, or customers).

  • Provide a brief background of the company, along with 2-3 current problems/challenges.
  • Propose a minimum of 3 organizational/structural changes that address these challenges.
  • Select, define and expand upon a change model that would be utilized to implement these changes in the
  • Discuss the role of the leader in this change, including the specific style and skills that would best be
  • needed in this instance.
  • Discuss how barriers to success along with a plan to overcome these impediments.

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