Posted: March 3rd, 2015

Development Economics, 2015 Miners and HIV in Lesotho

Development Economics, 2015

Miners and HIV in Lesotho
Lesotho is a small tiny country completely surrounded by South Africa. During the last century, a very high fraction of men from Lesotho was employed in South African mines. Using the 2004 Demographic and Health Surveys from Lesotho (Lesotho2004.dta) conduct a study to estimate the probability of being HIV positive for miners in Lesotho (note that the variables starting with “mv” refer to males and the variables starting with “v” refer to females and the variables starting with “hv” refer to the household).
In particular:
a. Produce a table with the number and the fraction of HIV positive in the whole sample, for females and for males, separately. Briefly comment your results.
b. Produce a table showing the % of males working in different job categories and the % of HIV positive and HIV negative in each job category. Comment the table focusing on the fraction of miners who are HIV positive and those who are HIV negative.
c. Produce summary statistics by gender (mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) of the following variables: HIV positive, age, urban areas, years of education, primary education, secondary education and tertiary education, abstinence in the last year, extra marital intercourse in the last year, condom use during the last intercourse. Comment briefly your results.
d. From the variable describing the type of job of men (see point b above) and the type of jobs of the partners for women, generate two new variables. The first one, using the variable describing males’ job, called “miner” equals to 1 if the individual is a miner and 0 if he is doing any other type of job. The second one, using the variable on partners’ job, called “partnerminer” equal to 1 if the woman’s partner is a miner and 0 if he is doing any other type of job. What is the fraction of miners in the sample, and of women with a miner as partner?
e. Investigate if in Lesotho, individuals working in the mines have a higher or lower probability to be infected by HIV compared to individual doing other type of job. Remember to control for basic socio economic characteristics such as age, urban and years of education. Comment your results.
f. Investigate if in Lesotho, women having a partner working in the mines have a higher or lower probability to be infected by HIV compared to woman having a men doing other type of job. Remember to control for basic socio economic characteristics such as age, urban and years of education. Comment your results.
g. Based on your results, suggest policies that the Government of Lesotho should implement to decrease HIV incidence among miners and their partners.
h. Finally, try to understand if male circumcision could decrease HIV incidence in Lesotho. That is keep the sample of men and test the relationship between HIV positive and male circumcision. Are circumcised males more or less likely to be HIV positive? Explain your results.


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