Posted: February 12th, 2016

How do those concepts relate to the subject of data communication? How have those concepts affected data

Reflection Paper

For this assignment, you are asked to prepare a Reflection Paper. Now that you have finished all of the reading

assignments for this course, reflect on three of the major concepts discussed in the reading, and write about those

concepts. How do those concepts relate to the subject of data communication? How have those concepts affected data

communication in the past? How will the concepts affect data communication in the future? Will these concepts affect you

in your career? Why, or why not?

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the material that you have read and to

expand on your reading.

The writing that you submit must meet the following requirements:

 Be at least two pages in length

 Include your thoughts about the major concepts that you select

 Explain how the concepts impact data communication

 Explain how the concepts apply to your career

You may only use your textbook as a reference. All paraphrased and quoted material from the textbook must be properly






Mansfield, K. C., & Antaonakos, J. L. (2010). Computer networking for LANs to WANs: Hardware, software and security.

Albany, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

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