Posted: March 18th, 2016

Assume you are a Program Management Consultant who has been hired to make recommendations to the PMO about how to further improve current PMO Program Management team effectiveness

•    Summarize by restating the Airline case study Chapter 18 in your own words
–    In 1-2 paragraphs highlight key points (This helps ensure that you are getting the important points)

•    Problem statement
In 1-2 sentences, state what the problem is and what the primary solution should focus on. Answer is:
Assume the major problem is the PMO efficiencies/effectiveness needs to be further improved to support the Enterprise Portfolio Management group, the PMO projects and Service Delivery Technical teams.  Assume you are a Program Management Consultant who has been hired to make recommendations to the PMO about how to further improve current PMO Program Management team effectiveness.   Prioritize and document a list of any other Chapter 18 case study issues that need to be addressed.

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