Posted: September 22nd, 2015

Assessment Task: Poster

Assessment Task: Poster
This assessment requires students to produce an electronic poster, suitable for display at a conference. The poster shall address the following scenario. This assessment aims to develop the student’s knowledge in searching for relevant information through literature review and identify the diagnostic accuracy of imaging modalities for diagnosis of particular selected pathology, with a focus on the diagnostic value/accuracy.

‘A 52-year-old police officer, with a history of hypertension and smoking, is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden onset of difficulty speaking, with drooling from the left side of his mouth, and weakness in his left hand. The family noted that the symptoms began just as the evening news was starting. His wife asks him if he is all right and the patient denies any difficulty. His symptoms progress over the next ten minutes until he cannot lift his arm and has trouble standing. The patient continues to deny any problems. The wife sits the patient in a chair and calls for the ambulance. He was assessed to have symptoms consistent with an ischemic stroke.’

– Thurman, R. J. and E. C. Jauch (2002). “Acute ischemic stroke: emergent evaluation and management.” Emergency medicine clinics of North America 20(3): 609-630.

The poster should include:
•    Brief aetiology, pathogenesis & prognosis
•    Patient presentation & clinical features
•    Relevant imaging techniques/protocols, image appearances & diagnostic value
•    Contribution to management and treatment of the disease

Poster structure in details:
Brief aetiology, pathogenesis & prognosis:

?    Cerebral infarction (most common)

Atherosclerosis – causing occlusion of blood flow
(what Blood vessels make the same symptoms?)

?    Pathogenesis:
•    Can be caused by a thrombotic or embolic
Patient in at high risk         hypertension

•    Patient with critical stenosis                 increased risk of stroke
Would benefit from endarterectomy surgery

?    Prognosis:
•    Depends on the extent of the stroke
•    May or may not die                                                                                   (References)
•    Size + location of infarction                 determines seventy

Patient presentation & clinical features:

1)    Patient age                  51 years old
2)    History of hypertension
3)    Smoking

4)    Sudden onset of difficulty difficulty speaking
Weakness of left hand                                                         (Vascular territory? what Blood vessels
5)    Drooling from the left side of his mouth

?    Relevant imaging techniques/protocols: This in general of ischemic stroke, (you must make table here with diagnostic value and image appearance for each technique with image of each modality).

imaging techniques/protocols    image appearance    diagnostic value
non- contrast – CT
•    CTA
•    MRA
•    CT Perfusion
•    Angiography
•    Carotid US

•     non- contrast – CT                ( diagnostic value + image appearance)  cerebral infarcts (area of dead brain tissue) (Hypodense)

•    CTA( diagnostic value + image appearance)
•    MRA ( diagnostic value + image appearance)

•    CT Perfusion ( diagnostic value + image appearance)
•    Angiography – if CTA/MRI inconclusive ( diagnostic value + image appearance)
•    Carotid US  ( diagnostic value + image appearance)
What does it show?
Diagnostic value?

?    Image appearances & diagnostic value exam of our patient depend of their symptom (did have thrombotic or embolic) and what the modalities are used in our patients: (it is evaluation under our table that describe what should we select the modality)

1-    CT scan: it can be less sensitive to detected early stroke on our patients if it early stroke. However, sometimes it can be detected by the artery blockage that can be seen by the hyperdence area of vessels ( most common middle cerebral artery) .  (what suspected image appearance of our case.( I need image here)
2-    MRI:  it is higher sensitivity  of early stroke  (what suspected image appearance of our case. (I need image here).

?    Contribution to management and treatment of the disease:

•    Management for treatment: ( of our patient)

?    Speech therapist ( brief description)
?    Occupational therapy (OT) ( brief description)
?    Surgery ( brief description)
?    Physiotherapy ( brief description)

?    Important information:

?     The poster is to be a maximum of 1000 words

?    The poster should include (Table and Images) you should design a table in relevant imaging techniques/protocols suction and what the value of each modality in ischemic stroke.

?    The referencing style is Vancouver, I attached the guide of the referencing style.

?    To know more about effective poster:

?    Poster presentation: Important points:
•    The electronic poster should be no larger than A0 and no smaller than A1 size.

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