Posted: May 5th, 2017

Aiden, a software engineer, is a competent, hard-working, and disciplined employee. He is part of a seven-member team working on a high-budget project.

Aiden, a software engineer, is a competent, hard-working, and disciplined employee. He

is part of a seven-member team working on a high-budget project. The other members of

Aiden’s group are not as dependable as Aiden and often avoided the tasks assigned to

them. Consequently, Aiden has to work twice as hard to make up for the incompetence of

his group members. Eventually, Aiden starts to worry that others are taking advantage of his efficiency. Deciding to put an end to this, he started to cut back on his efforts. This brought down the productivity of the whole group and Aiden’s individual performance.

What concept is illustrated in this scenario?

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