Posted: May 4th, 2015

Designing language learning programs

Designing language learning programs

Assignment 2 details

Written assignment: (3,000 words)
Design a proposal for a subject that
(1) identifies the context in which you are planning to teach the subject; your proposal must analyse the learners and their needs as well as your purpose in designing the subject in this way (Part 1)
(2) argues for the methodological choices that you have made and explains why you have made them (Part 2), supported by references (Part 3)
(3) contains a full subject outline using the attached template (Part 4).

Formatting  and content of your submission
•    Your submission must begin with a context description that includes the following elements and a brief indication of why those elements have been organised in that particular way:

o    backgrounds and motivations/purposes of your language learners
o    levels of the learners in relation to (a) syllabus-based learner levels and (b) research-based descriptions of learner levels
o    available teaching/learning facilities and resources in the context
o    previous history of approaches to language teaching in the context
o    prevailing assessment processes in the context
o    teachers’ backgrounds in relation to the target language
(500 words)

•    Your proposal for the best methodological approach (Part 2) must include references to relevant literature from the reading list, but can include additional references that you have found relevant. (1,000 words)

•    Reference list – in APA 6, but not included in word count.

•    Your subject outline must use the attached template (equivalent to 1,500 words).

•    Your file should be saved with the following naming format (without spaces):

o    Your name Your student number EDU5DLP2.

The assignment is due to be submitted on May 15, 2015.

Subject Outline Template (adapted from the Moodle Commons template)

The subject outline contains:
1.    Subject title
2.    Subject overview
3.    Learning outcomes
4.    List of topics
5.    Assessment scheme (including rationale)
6.    Recommended learning resources
7.    Subject schedule


1.    Subject Title
This should be a clear title that tells learners what they will be involved in.

2.    Subject overview
Explain concisely in your statement(s) what the subject is about and how the overall subject will support student learning in the discipline(s) of the program.
Provide a holistic view of your subject with coherent information for your students. It is useful to give details of the background of the subject: the prior knowledge the students should have, the overall aims of the subject, and/or how the subject relates to the other subjects in the program.
Indicate how many hours are included in the subject, which kinds of learning activities (workshops, online activities) are included and what proportion of the overall subject the particular activities will occupy.
Subject overview:

3.    Learning outcomes
List 4-5 broad statements of what you hope students will know, be able to do, or have experienced as a result of taking the subject.
Intended learning outcomes indicate to the students what you expect them to have learned, i.e., go away with, by the end of the semester or year, and the reasons why these outcomes are important.
The way that you express the intended learning outcomes should be consistent with the theoretical underpinnings of the methodological approach that you will be adopting. What you say here will have obvious connections with your assessment section. As a subject promoting language learning, there needs to be clear acknowledgement of both form and meaning in relevant contexts.
On completion of the subject, students should be able to:

4.    List of topics
Highlight the fundamental concepts involved in each topic in order to help students better understand what is and what is not covered in the subject.
Topics    Meanings/purposes that will be addressed in association with these topics    Forms/structures of language that will be addressed in association with these topics

5.    Assessment scheme (including rationale)
Provide a breakdown of internal assessment and final exam (if there is one). Indicate the main components, what they will test, their weighting or the percentage that they are worth, and when they are due. Indicate the criteria by which each piece is to be graded and the grading scheme.
Indicate what is required to pass the subject and also any requirements for progression. For example:
•    Class attendance and participation [xx %]
•    Group Project and Presentation [xx %]
•    Oral tasks  [xx %]
•    Written tasks (up to xxx words) [xx %]
•    Final Exam [xx %]
Task    Description    Weight (%)

6.    Recommended learning resources
Learning resources can include textbooks, student workbooks, dictionaries, sets of links to online resources (including visual resources) or sites for online activities such as pronunciation practice. It is often helpful to separate these resources into required and recommended. Include a brief statement for each item as to why it is needed/required.
Learning resources

7.    Subject schedule
A matrix is a good way to represent a subject schedule including class, date, topic and requirements so that students can prepare their own learning before classes. It is useful to highlight important dates for students, including holidays, dates when assessments are due and/or dates of tests and examinations.
Week    Date    Topic & Activities    Requirements/Readings

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