Posted: April 26th, 2017

In one of the case studies in the textbook (page 167), Katie Jordon was the All­American Girl Next Door working her first job out of college

In one of the case studies in the textbook (page 167), Katie Jordon
was the All­American Girl Next Door working her first job out of college. As an
on­site manager for an apartment complex in Dallas, she did such a good job
that when her employer purchased a huge apartment complex in Houston,
they asked her to run it. All was good until a member of the maintenance crew
resigned. She continued to keep him on the payroll and pocketed his wages.
She later added a non­existent assistant when she saw how easy it was to
add an employee without being questioned. However, her scheme eventually
came to light, and her days of bonus pay were over. How was her scheme

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