Posted: March 6th, 2017

Discusses any differences between your response and the author’s answer or reasons. Identifies what the confidential information in the scenario is.

Review the “Am I Ethical” section in Chapter 9.

Formulate your response to the question.

Review the author’s solution to the question on page 14 (attachment).

Write a 525- to 700-word paper between that accomplishes the following:

Explain the answer to the question of whether or not you should call the hotline to report your concerns and the reason supporting your decision, identifying any professional guidance that is relevant. Discusses any differences between your response and the author’s answer or reasons. Identifies what the confidential information in the scenario is. Analyzes why the client would want the information disclosed and what the potential issues could be if the information was disclosed.

Cite your research from the text and any additional professional or regulatory guidance and format your response consistent with APA guidelines.

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