Posted: January 14th, 2016

Identify and explain two (2) risk factors are critically related to each characteristic you chose. (SEE ATTATCHMENT)

For each module’sActiveLearningDiscussion,studentsareassigned to read one (1) article found in the Doc Sharing icon.  Students must answer the questions posed and post their answer onthe Active Learning DiscussionBoard.Thestudentwilldiscusshis orherthoughtsontheinformationthathas beenpostedand discussitsrelevanceand implicationstothefieldofCriminalJustice.Thestudent’sremarkscanbe opinion,butitmustbebasedon hisor herownexperience,research,and/orpriorlearning.Of particular interestis a dialogueofopinions,thoughts,andcomments.Duringthespanof thediscussion,thestudentmustposttotheDiscussionBoardforeachquestiononthree(3)separatedays.




Theinitialpostmustbeno lessthan200words




Module 1: In Florida’s juvenile justice system, each step can have critical consequences for the juvenile and the system (funded by taxpayers).  Please identify one (1) component of the system you believe is the most critical step and explain in detail 1) why you believe it is the most critical, 2) how it can critically impact the juvenile and 3) how it can critically impact the operation and cost to the system. (SEE ATTATCHMENT)


Module 2: Based upon LaGrange and White’s discussion, identify what you believe to be the single most critical time period for delinquency prevention, identify at least one (1) theory that supports your contention and explain that theory in detail. (SEE ATTATCHMENT)


Module 3: Describe in detail the characteristics of female offenders and their risk factors for offending.  What do you believe are the two (2) most critical characteristics and why do you believe that?  Identify and explain two (2) risk factors are critically related to each characteristic you chose. (SEE ATTATCHMENT)


Module 4: Does increasing the number of officers in schools necessarily increase the number of citations and/or arrests?  Explain in detail why or why not.  If so, what factors account for the dramatic increase in school-related arrests and citations?  If not, explain why not. (SEE ATTATCHMENT)

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