Posted: October 12th, 2016

When you are young, you form bonds/attachments to school, family, friends, and sports. If those bonds are weak, it leads to increased likelihood of crime which carries into your older years  


There are 3 Criminal Justice categories in these questions and each section highlighted in blue

• Questions on Mental Health, Law and Criminal Justice
• Questions on Theories of Criminal Behavior
• Questions on Research Methods in Criminal Justice

I would like the answered questions to be in bulleted format. Below is an example of one.


One of the most stable facts about crime is its relationship to age. Property crime offending peaks around age 16 and violent offending peaks around 19; thereafter both types of offending decline with age. Assess the ability of each of the following explanations of criminal offending to account for this relationship between age and crime. Social Learning (DA), Control Theory, Strain Theory, General Theory.

Social Learning relates to age depending on how impressionable you are at a young age
o Relationship between age and crime:
 Social Learning theory states that crime is learned behavior
 Imitate people you look up to
 Rewards of crime are greater than rewards of not committing the crime
 The younger you are the more impressionable you are.

Self-Control is determined in your childhood; defined by your ability to delay gratification
Social Control is strong bonds with people and commitment to activities in your environment and life
in young age can determine if you commit a crime and why
o Relationship to age and crime:
 Self-Control is determined in childhood
 Defined by ability to delay gratification
 Measured by looking at criminal activity and delinquency
 Based on parenting
 Self-Control is stable over time

Strain Theory is the older you are the more strain on your life (3 types of strain)
o Lose something you value
o Others treat you poorly
o Failure
 Relationship to age and crime:
 The older you are, the more likely you are going to be stressed out and commit crimes
 Being 16 and 19 you are in your prime “growing up” years so your strain is going to be higher as you figure out your next steps in life
Control Theory has the 4 elements of social bond
 Attachment to family/friends
 Commitment to conventional activities
 Amount of time spent in conventional activities
 Belief in moral validity of the law
 When you are young, you form bonds/attachments to school, family, friends, and sports. If those bonds are weak, it leads to increased likelihood of crime which carries into your older years

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