Posted: August 13th, 2015

You are required to write an object oriented Flash actionscript 3 game

You are required to write an object oriented Flash actionscript 3 game

Project description
You are required to write an object oriented Flash actionscript 3 game which:
1) displays a vehicle or character as in the traditional Space Invaders game
2) displays at least one enemy which moves across the screen automatically .When it reaches the end of the screen it should ‘wrap’ back to the beginning again
3) allows the user to control the movement (left, right, up and down) of the vehicle or character using arrow keys but the character will not go off the edge of the screen

see the example at (note, to get the keyboard controlin the example to work you need to click on the game itself first before using the arrow keys to move the player)

Write a 500 word report explaining the structure of your program, and show the classes used and the relationship between them in the form of a UML class diagram

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