Posted: March 5th, 2016

Write a report critically assessing the capital structure and long-term financing decisions of Sainsbury Write a report critically assessing the capital structure and long-term financing decisions of Sainsbury

Write a report critically assessing the capital structure and long-term financing decisions of a FTSE 100 listed company.
Look through the annual reports of some FTSE 100 companies, you can find a list of which companies are in the FTSE 100 on
Find a company that has something interesting to discuss in relation to their capital structure or long-term financing. Look at several companies before making your choice.
Include a summary of their current position and an assessment of the firm’s financing choices including an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of their current position. Use evidence from the discussion section of the annual report as well as other sources such as credit rating agency statements or analyst reports.
Review the financial statements of the firm and the discussion section of their annual report as well as reviewing recent financing actions taken by the firm. You should also look for comment by financial analysts and rating agencies.
Relate your findings to theoretical underpinnings from academic literature e.g. theories of capital structure.

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