Posted: April 24th, 2016

How to write program codes?

POS 409 Week 1 Individual Pet’s Name

Design, implement, test, and debug a C# program that displays a pet’s name when a button is clicked.

Create a graphical user interface (GUI) with a button labeled “Pet’s name.”
When the Pet’s name button is clicked, the program will display the name of the pet in a label on the form.

Zip all the files of the project together and submit the zipped file to your Assignments

POS 409 Week 2 Individual Dice Simulation

Design, implement, test, and debug a C# program to simulate the rolling of two dice 100 times, and write and read results from a file.

When the user clicks a Write button, the program will write the sum of the dice for each roll into a sequential data file.
After the file is written, the user may click a Read button to read the items back in and display the results.

Design a GUI for the program that will be intuitive for a novice user.

Write the code for the program and test the results.

Zip all the files of the project together and submit the zipped file to Assignments.

POS 409 Week 3 Individual Binary Search Program or Dice Program

Choose one of the following options.

Option A

Build a text file of string objects. They may be people’s names, cities, zip codes, and so forth. Include at least 20 items in the list.

Design, implement, test, and debug a C# program to read the text file into an array and sort it. The GUI should have a text field into which the user can enter a search term. The program will perform a binary search to determine if the term is found in the array that was read from the file. The program will let the user know whether or not the search term was found and how many comparisons were made during the search.

Submit a zip file with all the project files and the text file used to Assignments.

Option B

Design, implement, test, and debug a C# program to show the frequencies of the sum of two dice for 100 rolls. The program will read the file you created in the dice simulation in Week Two. Include the following:

Declare an array that represents the possible results of throws of two dice.
For each entry in the file, increment the element of the array corresponding to that result.
Last, display the frequency count for that simulation.

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