Posted: September 16th, 2015

Why the west Europe became rich and the rest did not

The Rich West and the Poor rest
Thanks to the Industrial Revolution Europe became economically the highest developed part of the world. In the nineteenth century it was quickly followed by North America. In the same period Europe became politically dominant. Political power and economic development are not independent, but it is too easy to say that the richest country rules the world. In this weeks

This week’s assignment: Write a 1,200 words paper (± 10%) on how the West became rich according to the diverse theories, and the Rest poor. Use the literature and the video.

Immanuel Wallerstein, ‘The Modern World-System as a Capitalist World-Economy.’
Peer Vries, ‘The California School and Beyond: How to Study the Great Divergence?’ History Compass, 8 (2010) 730–751.

Lecture of David Landes on ‘The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Financial Crises, Debt, Economic Success (1998).’

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