Posted: April 30th, 2016

What is a bill of lading?

Step Two of the Final Research

Create a Research Proposal and Preliminary Reference Page:

Research Proposal

– Your research paper will be two to
three pages in length, (excluding the title and reference pages)
formatted in proper APA style, and will include the following:

Scope and nature of the problem
Specific claim (modified from your claim submitted in Step One, if
necessary, as a result of your research).
Justification of your claim (i.e., why it is important).
Method of data collection (i.e., types of sources you plan to use and where
you will look for them).
Preliminary findings (i.e., results you have found so far).

Your proposal must be written from a third-person point of view, in future tense, explaining what you
plan to accomplish in your research.

Preliminary Reference Page

– Your reference page should include at least four sources that you intend to use in your paper, and be formatted to proper APA style. The following steps will assist you in finding sources and writing your reference page:

Refer to the Library Tutorial, Intro to ProQuest Searching, and the Sample Reference Page in the ENG 122 tab of the Ashford Writing Center.
Search the databases in the Ashford Library (located in the Library link in the left navigation of the online classroom) and the Internet.
Locate at least four scholarly sources that you believe might be useful for your Final Research Paper. These sources must be appropriate for an academic research paper (see Chapters 4 and 5 of your text).

Submit both tasks above as a single Word document. Your Teaching Assistant will return this paper to you with feedback. You will have the opportunity to revise the information in Step Two before you include it in your Final Research Paper in Week Five. However, changes to the topic or to your specific research question/hypothesis or claim may not be made at this point without your instructor’s approval.

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