Posted: February 25th, 2016

Treating Those With Mental Disorders Chapters 8 & 11 Review DSM-5 Substance Related & Eating Disorders

Read Abnormal Psychology, Chapters 10-11 Read Treating Those With Mental Disorders Chapters 8 & 11 Review DSM-5 Substance Related & Eating Disorders


Assignment 14

This assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the vignette for each question. All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that may pertain to the situation presented below. Cultural information is in both the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural resources to enhance your work. Legal/Ethical information is in Chapter 16 (Kring, et al 2014). You are also encouraged to familiarize yourself with and apply the laws and ethics of mental health professionals in your state or country.

Use the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses

You are encouraged to use the DSM-5 Level I Assessment Measure(s) to formulate your diagnosis:

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