Posted: June 28th, 2015

Topic: Critique Writing Assignment

The Final Draft


Kinds of writings, descriptive, argumentative, reflective, controversial, social etc…

Others writings and the feedback they get.

My writing skills and the kind of feedback I get

I am much comfortable with easy writing for events

What I expect from this class and teacher and the system

How I wish to improve and gain proficiency in writing and help my grades

If I want to write the topics on which I would like to throw light on are personal experiences


Working thesis

Over time I have learnt and discovered a lot about writing. I have experienced and known how it helps people express themselves. However, for me I find it easier to express myself through a casual conversation. Those who like writing yearn to learn more, improve and help other people to develop their skills in the future.

My negative perception towards writing and my poor grammar has not helped me much to improve my writing skills.




  1. Introduction: It’s evident in the real world that those people who hate writing encounter a lot of problems.
  2. Many individuals express themselves through writing.
  3. Some people find casual conversations so that they can discuss topics that are familiar with.
  4. My past experience in writing and understanding writing because of them.
  5. Worst writing experience in the past and my conclusion about it
  6. I have been in the writing class in the past, where we were usually given writing tasks by the teacher to work on.
  7. What made this the worst experience?
  8. Usually, I scored low marks in these tasks.
  9. I could hardly relate the writing tasks given to us during the class.
  10. I had a hard time expressing my feelings about the topics given to us.
  11. What did I learn from this experience?
  12. I was never comfortable expressing myself through writing.
  13. My grammar was very poor, and that’s why I could not score in the writing tasks.
  14. Contacting people who were at a far distance was very hard for me.
  15. I needed to work smart and also make some efforts in order to improve my writing skills.


  1. Best writing experience in the past and my conclusion about writing.
  2. A writing task given to me by my high school teacher.
  3. What made this the best experience?
  4. Every student was required to write about his favorite sport.
  5. I was an athletic person, and so the task was easy for me.
  6. Unlike in the past tasks, the teacher appreciated my work though the English vocabulary was not very good.
  7. I scored highly, and I was also ranked as the second best in our class.
  8. What did I learn?
  9. I am good at expressing my feelings on the topics that I am conversant with.
  10. Writing about personal events that had occurred in the past was easier for me.
  11. Writing not only required good grammar, but clear expression of your feelings.
  • Present writing experience and how the past influences it.
  1. I still find writing challenging, but I have at least improved though not much.
  2. My low scores in the tasks given in class have challenged me to work harder.
  3. Also my best experience that was in highschool has helped me to understand why good expression of one’s feelings helps him in writing.
  4. Future hopes of my relationship to writing.
  5. I am aiming to improve my English formation so that in the feature I can produce better articles.
  6. I expect my teachers who are not just my mentors but also my inspiration, to start appreciate the efforts that I am making.
  7. I hope to learn more vocabulary and also sentence structures so that I can improve my writing in the future.
  8. Conclusion
  9. For me and those people who I am in the same league with, writing has proved boring and also distasteful for us.
  10. My past and present experiences have not made it easier for me; they only serve to demotivate me from writing.
  11. Possible solution to the problem identified in the introduction.
  12. Through my personal experience, I have learnt that:
    1. I need to put more effort.
    2. Learn from those people who are good in writing.
    3. Consult my teachers more.



Final Draft

For many people, writing is the best way to express their feelings and thoughts, and for others it is very boring and nearly impossible to create any good sentences to express themselves in a writing form. For others it may be easier and rewarding to write as they have a background on reading and writing, and they may have practiced writing on all levels. For instance, personal, official, formal, informal, etc. I however prefer making a conversation on a topic that I can talk about instead of using words and grammatical structures on a piece of paper, my flow of thought come better off in a casual conversation rather than highlighting me in a writing class.

Indeed writing is distasteful and is a nightmare for those like me, who are not very literary on a personal note. I am not that much inclined towards writing and reading. However I do have my interest in sports; football, basketball and volleyball as well as traveling around the world and exploring new places and cultures. Undoubtedly there are people who live a lifetime just while writing a piece of paper. For me, I need to make an extraordinary effort just get my message across in black and white. If I only have to write about any topic I would choose my personal events that occurred in the past. For instance, when i was in high school and I was given an assignment by the English teacher. Every student had to write about their favorite sports and so did I, I remember being very excited because I am an athletic person and I had no difficulty writing about my favorite sport. Although my structure of English vocabulary was not so strong but my teacher appreciated my effort in writing.

Not only I find it boring or stressful but also I fail to relate with any writing task a signed to us during this writing class. As much as I want to score, I can’t help but fail at giving it my best shot, I always have a hard time expressing my feelings threw words, however I rather directly speak to other people and let them know my concepts or thoughts. I find it very hard when I have to contact formally either writing an email or letter to people that live across the distances. The main reason that I cannot write it properly because of the English formation of writing that includes punctuation, verbs, tenses and lack of vocabulary. That doesn’t mean we should not contact people around the world because of the weak writing, an effort is always needed for such a task. Other writers or admired because of their rich writings, they get very warm welcome and their immense hard work in writing is generally well appreciated.

I would like to add here that we being students have certain expectations from our teachers who are not just our mentors but also our inspiration. I, personally expect to be corrected indeed, but also feel the need of appreciation for my efforts in writing. As I mentioned earlier, I am not very writing prone, I hardly manage to find the appropriate words to communicate my exact state of mind and personal opinion on a certain issue. I look forward to getting a set of vocabulary and certain structures which may prove useful in compiling a piece of writing in future.

Moreover, I would like to know how others in class manage to create wonderful pieces with the most suitable words and get the due reward which I would also like to gain one day. As much as I admire the fancy words, when it comes to me creating them, it is nothing but a nightmare. Not only do I find it distasteful, it is no less than a nightmare for people like me with very little confidence in their writing skills. Therefore to conclude I can only claim on behalf of those like me that writing is a chore and distasteful and my previous experiences make it no less exhausting.











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