Posted: March 7th, 2017

Why do you think it is the most important? Which amendment do you think has been most broadly interpreted? Why do you think this amendment has been the most broadly interpreted?

Give your response to the following: Which constitutional amendment do you consider most important to policing? Why do you think it is the most important? Which amendment do you think has been most broadly interpreted? Why do you think this amendment has been the most broadly interpreted? What has happened in society to influence this interpretation?

Why is the Miranda ruling important for police to understand? Explain your answer.

Define public accounting, private accounting, and forensic accounting. Please provide examples of jobs/careers within each of these areas of accounting.
Define liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios. Please provide 2 examples of each type of ratio and explain the meaning of each specific example.
Explain income from discontinued operations, extraordinary items, and changes in accounting principle. Provide examples of each of these types of transactions.

Each needs to be 200 word responses for each question

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