Posted: July 7th, 2015

The relationship between the representation of location and the characters in a high budget film set and directors visualization."

Proposed table of content

1. Introduction.
a. Methodology (Justification, explanation and implementation)
2. Relationship between location and character in film.
a. Comparison of film location with the characters.

3. Location Influence
a. The impact of real life location on character.
b. The impact of real life location on the viewers.
c. The impression of the characters on a constructed set (Green screen)
d. The impression of the viewers on a constructed set (Green screen)

4. Case Studies
a. Harry Potter
b. Lord of the Rings
c. Titanic

5. Conclusion – The overall structural aspect of film location on how they feature in high budget films and the result they have on the viewers. Please give me the first 10 pages draft on Thursday.

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