Posted: June 1st, 2015

The effects of overconfidence (and optimism) biases in team production: a theoretical analysis

The effects of overconfidence (and optimism) biases in team production: a theoretical analysis

Paper details:

Use this source mainly but consider using further sources:
No specific minimum of sources is given but it should probably be more than the single one provided by the supervisor.

“You can choose any papers you think that is relevant for your literature review. You can include Psychological and Sociological motivation to explain the topic assigned. However, to have a more Economics insight you can start reading the attached paper. Sometimes the Mathematics behind could be too hard, but you do not have to understand al the formula and derivation. It is important that you understand the motivation and try to report the salient conclusions.
As I said, the attached paper is a good starting point for the Economics, but after this many papers try to analyze the problem from different point of view. Your job is to find them. If you want, you can also include experimental papers on the topic.”

underline the economics behind it but can only explain it briefly and put a focus on other aspects.

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