Posted: July 2nd, 2015

Brief discussion on national debt, why is it such an important topic? Why has the level of debt increased over the years since the 80’s

Executive Summary


  • Brief discussion on national debt, why is it such an important topic? Why has the level of debt increased over the years since the 80’s
  • Discussion on what needs to be addressed:
  • Banks create new money when people go into debt
  • For every pound of money, there’s a pound of debt
  • If we want more money in the economy, we have to go further into debt
  • If we try to pay off debt, then money supply reduces
  • Brief discussion mentioning how this report will look into the sustainability of UK National Debt in relation to UK GDP

Key Terms

  • Provide definitions of key terms (National Debt and Fiscal Sustainability, Aggregate Demand and its components, GDP, Fiscal Policy etc.)

Background Information

  • Overview of UK National Debt (what is it used on? what is the current level?)
  • The need to borrow (How and why firms are funded by debt? – In order to repay debt, you issue more debt. What are the consequences of this? How and why countries are mostly funded by debt? For individuals too)
  • How is sustainability measured? Eg. Debt/GDP ratio
  • Time horizon (Data used from 2010 to 2015)

Aims and Objectives

  • To investigate the sustainability of the UK National Debt
  • To evaluate the impact of the key factors which contribute to UK National Debt


  • These aims will be achieved through secondary research – looking at past and present data; as well as looking at future predictions
  • Key factors include the UK government spending (G), business investment (I) consumption (C), Imports (M) and Exports (X)


Note: This research project is measuring sustainability by looking into the components of Aggregate Demand and their influence on National Debt


Literature Review

  • Arguments for and against increases in National Debt
  • Theories in favour and not in favour of National Debt
  • Theories related to fiscal sustainability
  • Look at the strengths and weaknesses of each and give our own perspective

Limitations, access and ethical issues

  • The influence of the EU was not considered; anything else which is necessary should be included
  • Any other access issues encountered


  • Secondary research should be presented in graphs, tables and diagrams along with explanations
  • Time frame from 2010 and forecasts should be included up to 2025; including forecasts for GDP
  • Research should be done for each factor; then collated and analysed for aggregate demand and each
  • This will help summarise in the conclusion
  • Results for Debt/GDP ratio should be calculated or found through research for forecasts up to 2025 if possible
  • For investment – relate to gearing levels and economic cycle
  • Governments – Fiscal policy, show trend analysis, identify research of surpluses and needs, look at the key drivers of growth
  • Individuals – levels of individual debt and abilities to repay
  • Please highlight the impact of debt repayments at different levels of the economic cycle


  • Review aims and objectives and answer the question based on results and literature review
  • This should result into an overall rounded argument


  • Example – Increase privatisation in order to reduce expenditure and gain capital from sale; therefore reduce National Debt
  • Any suitable recommendations from conclusion for sustainable debt


  • 50 references
  • Harvard
  • Alphabetical order




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