Posted: February 22nd, 2015

Pick one of the following events from the list and discuss in detail the event, the people involved, and its background and impact of America. Al Gore and Global Warming

Phase 5 IP Modern American History Instructions:


Deliverable Length: 4-6 pages
Details: There are many factors and events that have impacted and changed America from 1946-2012. Pick one of the following events from the list and discuss in detail the event, the people involved, and its background and impact of America.

  • Al Gore and Global Warming
  • The George W. Bush Doctrine
  • Blacklisting
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  • Watergate
  • Brown v. The Topeka Board of Education
  • The Military Industrial Complex
  • The Technological Revolution
  • War on Poverty
  • No Child Left Behind
  • 9/11
  • The Marshall Plan
  • OPEC
  • Cold War
  • Immigration Acts and issues
  • Reaganomics
  • The Gulf Wars
  • Sub Prime Melt Down
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

Use at least 2 credible sources is required for this assignment. These sources should be cited using APA format both in-text and on separate reference page.


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