Posted: August 6th, 2015

Student characteristics for online learning success

Paragraph #1 – Introduction
Provide an introduction to the given topic. You may do this by providing an interesting quotation, a story, or using another way to get your reader’s attention. End the introduction with a solid thesis statement that previews the rest of the essay.

Paragraph #2 – Summary
Summarize the article that you chose (and your instructor approved) in Module/Week 4. Cover the main points of the article with your summary and connect it to your overall topic. Do not forget to cite any paraphrased or summarized information.

Paragraph #3 – Reflection
Reflect on the content of the article. What have you learned from reading the article? Did it surprise you? Challenge you? Do you feel that the conclusions provided in the article are accurate when compared to other course material and to Scripture? Why or why not? Support any opinion with credible sources and/or Scripture.

Paragraph #4 – Application
How will you apply what you have learned about this topic to your role as an online student? What steps will you take to apply what you have learned about this topic to your life and, more specifically, to your role as an online student?

Paragraph #5 – Conclusion
Conclude with some final thoughts on your topic. What conclusions can you draw from the article, other course materials, and the provided Scripture references? Include some additional applicable biblical references for your reader to consider.

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