Posted: September 1st, 2015



The exercise set, which is worth 20% of your final mark for the unit, is based entirely on the essential readings from weeks 1-3. No other sources should be consulted. The task is to show your understanding of these specific readings.
You must answer all four questions in approximately 200 words per answer, so your submission will be approximately 800 words in total.


1. Why might some sociologists argue that the sociology of deviance is ‘dead’? (see Roach Anleu, week 1)
2. In The Rules of Sociological Method, Durkheim argues that crime serves a purpose within a society. What purpose does he think it serves and how does he think it works? Is Durkheim’s theory about crime a normative theory, or does it come from the labelling perspective?
(See Roach Anleu AND Durkheim, week 2)
3. Labelling theorists have argued that our sociological understandings of deviance should look beyond norm-breaking activities. What do they think we should study instead? (See Roach Anleu, week 2)
4. In the brief excerpt from Foucault’s Madness and Civilization, you’ll read about a process of control being exerted over a seventeen-year-old girl. How does this fit in with the three central themes of Foucault’s analysis provided by Anleu? (See Foucault AND Roach Anleu, week 3)
Please note carefully:
– The purpose of the exercises is very specifically to demonstrate your engagement with the essential reading from weeks 1-3. Please do not refer to any other source in this particular piece of assessment.

– We are interested in your own interpretations of the reading. For this reason, it is best to avoid quotes, as these will not help you to show us what you have understood.
– As with all sociology assessment, these exercises must be fully referenced using Harvard Style with a bibliography provided at the end of the set, showing all the texts you used.

– Please proofread your work carefully and make good use of spelling and grammar checks.

– If you need an extension, make sure you discuss it with your tutor before the due date so that there is time to negotiate a new submission date.

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