Posted: May 17th, 2015

preferences and recreational event usage of city residents

preferences and recreational event usage of city residents

1)  A city government has collected data on the music preferences and recreational event usage of city residents.  They would like to know if individuals that go to the park often differ in their musical tastes than those that attend the park less often; they have measured park attendance as 0 ‘ never visits’ 1 ‘ visits once a year’ 2 ‘visits once a month’ 3 ‘visits twice per month’ 5 ‘visits more than twice per month’.  Musical taste is measured as preferring either jazz, soul, classical, or rock music.

a. What is the unit of analysis? (2pts)

b. What are the variables and what is their level of measurement? (2pts)

c. Supply one hypothesis that could be used for this research. (2pts)

2) General Motors is interested in the demand fluctuations for their brands across five different sales regions (Southeast, Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Midwest) in the United States.  They survey their dealers from these regions to find if the best-selling brand at each dealership is Chevrolet, Buick, GMC or Cadillac.

a. What is the unit of analysis? (2pts)

b. What are the variables and what is their level of measurement? (2pts)

c. Supply one hypothesis that could be used for this research. (2pts)

3)  In 2010, Florida had 876,975 gun owners for a population of 10,000,000.  What is the gun ownership rate per 1,000 residents? (3pts)

4)  If 62% of the 43,000 students at U of M major in Natural Science, how many students are Natural Science majors?  What is the Natural Science major rate per 1,000 students? (3pts)

5)  In 2013, the US murder rate was 6.2 per 100,000 individuals.  Given the population of the US is 330,000,000; how many murders were committed? (3pts)

6)  A researcher develops a theory indicating that individuals who drink large amounts of cream soda are more likely to fail statistics.  In this theory, what are the independent and dependent variables? (3pts)

7)  Use the following frequency distribution to answer the questions?
Frequency    %    Cumulative %
Valid    Yes, definitely    115    8.9    8.9
Yes, probably    206    16.0    24.9
No, probably not    403    31.2    56.1
No, definitely not    567    43.9    100.0
Total    1291    100.0

a) How many individuals responded that their ancestors definitely have supernatural powers? (5pts)

b) What percentage of individuals responded that their ancestors either definitely or probably have supernatural powers? (5pts)

c) What percentage of individuals responded that their ancestors either definitely have super powers or probably do not have supernatural powers? (5pts)

8)   The following table gives a partial list of employee data at Widget Co.

Employee ID         Department    Job Title         Years at Widget Co         Age
314        Sales    Manager        12        40
432        Manufacturing    Operator        19        40
123        Administration    Sales Rep        7        64
996        Manufacturing    Operator        3        55
123        Sales    Sales Rep        25        49
124        Manufacturing    Operator        28        44
142        Sales    Manager        24        59
542        Sales    Sales Rep        11        32
125        Administration    Assistant        27        58
154         Sales    Sales Rep         4         29

a. Construct a frequency distribution for DEPARTMENT; include a column for relative percentage and cumulative percentage. (5pts)

b. Construct a frequency distribution for TITLE; include a column for relative percentage and cumulative percentage. (5pts)

c. What is the mode for the variable JOB TITLE?(3pts)

d. Find the mean, variance and standard deviation for AGE. Interpret each statistic. (5pts)

e. Find the median and range for YEARS AT WIDGET CO. Interpret each statistic. (5pts)

9)  Use the Table below to answer the following questions.

Descriptive Statistics for Monthly Sales in 1000s
by Month For 3 Dealerships  (2007-20011)

Mean    Std    Range
Westland    223    21    78

Eastville    289    11    54

Southlawn    378    49    129
*Std=standard deviation

a) Which dealership had the highest sales? (5pts)

b) Which dealership has the most consistent sales? (5pts)

c) Your boss believes that this information proves that the Soutlawn dealership is the best dealership in the area and is thinking of making all other dealerships adopt their management style.  She asks you whether the information in Table 2 would support her decision, how would you respond? (5pts)

10)  What is the difference between mean, median, and mode? (2pts)

11) What is a normal distribution? What does it mean for a distribution to be skewed? (4pts)

12.  The SAT exam has a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100.  What would be the score one standard deviation below the mean? (5pts)

13. The following Table shows a frequency distribution for the highest year of education for women aged 45-70.

Highest Year of Education
Frequency    Percent    Cumulative Percent
Less than High School    5903    28.8    28.8
High School Grad    5785    28.2    57.0
Some College    5451    26.6    83.6
College Grad    1779    8.7    92.3
Graduate Degree    1574    7.7    100.0
Total    20492       100.0

a) What is the median level of education in this sample?)(5pts)

b) Most respondents in this sample have what level of education? (5pts)

c) Can you compute the mean level of education in this sample? If you can what is it? If you cannot, why? (2pts)

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