Posted: November 30th, 2015

parent coach program

Introduction: Succinct Background and Significance of a Problem (1.5-2 pages)
Choose an existing program and describe why the problem merits intervention using a succinct review of current literature.

Identify Program, Develop Logic Model (3-4 pages)
Describe the program in detail. Include in your descriptions the goals of the program, who the program will reach, and how they will reach participants? (2-3pgs). Include a table or chart that describes the timeline of your intervention according to activities. Use only 1 page for a logic model that simply, but thoroughly describes the programs’ Inputs, Audience(s), Activities, Outputs and Short Medium and Long-Term Outcomes/Impacts.

Evaluation Design and Budget (3-4 pages) Using your selected program, develop an evaluation plan including defining SMART objectives, and clearly and succinctly identifying the evaluation/research questions that will be evaluated. Be sure to include both process and Impact/Outcome Evaluation in your design, and include qualitative and quantitative methods. Provide a summary of the assessment tools that will be used to evaluate the program, the anticipated participants, and the evaluation design, including limitations. Make sure these are also in your timeline. Include a budget and budget narrative.

Conclusion: Ethic Issues you may encounter (1-1.5 pages)
Ethical issues are often hotly debated in the field of evaluation. You should identify several potential ethical issues that may arise during your program evaluation. Provide concrete examples and your thoughts about such potential problems. . The goal of this section is to clearly articulate the pros and cons, and to understand its impact on outcome evaluation.

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