Posted: August 4th, 2016

What is the parallel citation for this case ??

What is the parallel citation for this case (i.e., the same case printed elsewhere)?
How many cases give a positive treatment of the case, and how can you tell?
29 N.W. 425:
What is the parallel citation?
What is the first case that followed the Baugh decision?
639 N.E.2d 1003:
Has this case been overruled? If so, give the citation.
145 A.2d 482
Locate and give the name of the case with its Bluebook citation.
Locate one case that cites your case for the same issue referred to in the LexisNexis Headnotes. (Use the Shepardize: Restrict by Headnote link at the end of the Headnote.)
Locate one case that follows your case for the same issue referred to in the LexisNexis Headnotes

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