Posted: February 13th, 2017

Which organ is responsible for the release of sodium bicarbonate, a chemical needed to neutralize stomach acid? Select one

Question1. Which organ is responsible for the release of sodium bicarbonate, a chemical needed to neutralize stomach acid? Select one: a. The stomach b. The Duodenum c. The Liver d. The Gallbladder e. The Pancreas Question 2 Which of the following is known as an accessory organ in the digestive process? Select one: a. The Heart b. The Duodenum c. The Kidney d. The Gallbladder e. The Lungs Question 3 What happens mostly in the large intestine (colon)? Select one: a. Vitamins and minerals are absorbed b. Water is absorbed c. Amino acids are absorbed d. Glucose is absorbed e. Fiber is absorbed. Question 4 What is true about fat absorption? Select one: a. It occurs in the ascending colon. b. It is aided by emulsification with bile. c. It is released into the blood stream as VLDL. d. It requires amylase action on the glycerol backbone. e. All of the above Question 5 Which type of absorption mechanism requires a selective protein carrier and ATP energy? Select one: a. Facilitated diffusion b. Passive diffusion c. Active transport d. Passive transport e. Nutrient activity Question 6 What happens first, protein denaturation or protein digestion? Select one: a. Protein denaturation b. Protein digestion Question 7 What is the correct process of protein synthesis? Select one: a. DNA is transcribed to mRNA which is translated to Protein. b. mRNA is transcribed to DNA which is translated to Protein c. Protein is transcribed to mRNA which is translated to DNA d. Protein is transcribed to DNA which is translated to mRNA e. DNA is transcribed to Protein which is translated to mRNA. Question 8 High protein diets can deplete the body of: Select one: a. Water b. Calcium c. Vitamin B6 d. All of the above. Question 9 Lactase persistence is tied to human biocultural evolution. Select one: True False Question 10 Protein need is based on body: Select one: a. Weight b. Height c. Caloric need d. CHO adequacy e. Nutrient density Question 11 Kwashiorkor is best described as: Select one: a. Fibrous proteins b. High biological value protein sources c. Complementary protein sources d. Lack of protein and energy in the diet e. Lack of protein in the diet

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